Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our Drive 70 miles out of town

What an absolutely beautiful drive!! We took our 4-wheeler about 70 miles out of town....of course all the roads are pretty much only big enough for about a car/4-wheeler and a 1/2 to go on. I get so upset with my wreck ess husband!! He thinks the 4-wheeler is like a motorcycle but he forgets he is carrying precious cargo (me!!). AND I continually say I am NEVER going out with him again because of his driving skills (or lack of rather) as well as driving for what seems like hours and not stopping to let me get a bite to eat (from the cargo container)! AND if it were not for my SCREAMING!!!!! we would of had several accidents (like driving off a cliff!) Of course Iran passively states (he gets upset at nothing)..."I knew where the drop off was, STOP SCREAMING....And will you stop yelling I know what I doing". YEA RIGHT cowboy!! I have to punch him in the side every now and then to get him to slow down. Next time I am taking the car and I am driving.
We definitely have to bring extra gas cans because there is absolutely NO place to get gas...just wilderness. I wish everyone back home could come for a visit...this place is like nothing you have ever seen before.....just untouched, untrashed, in the middle of no where, BEAUTIFUL!
The mosquitos here are absolutely terrible.....I heard though that they are only around for about two weeks out of the year. Speaking of mosquitos....while we were on our "ride"...I had to use the 'restroom'...remembering now there are swarms of mosquitios.....(Iran sprayed my back side with "OFF") so I quickly squatted down and to my surprise started getting natural instinct was to jump up due to the pain of mosquito venom entering my skin....getting pee all on my then I had to sit with the wreckless driver with wet pants all the way home!


  1. Lisa, you always have gotten whit-knuckled needlessly!!! I think Iran's a fine're just a nervous nelly!!!

    (Poor maligned Iran!)

  2. Oops! Can't spell tonight! I meant to say "white-knuckled"!

  3. I am very jealous of you right now, getting to be on your 4 wheeler and going crusing around the countryside. Even with your reckless husband, you know you love it!

  4. Give Iran a hug for me, we know how
    much you love that guy, and so does he. But..tell him I said to "slow down" and beware of bears. Lisa keep writing....forget the errors..we love your wit and wisdom. Beware of bears...they are
    looking for "fluffy" people..and guys that are trying to grow a beard. love you gram
