Iran went camping with our of September 1st it is moose season....SO EVERYONE HERE IS MOOSE one is at work....and the people that are... are mad they are has been a rough week. We can not get a moose this year .... well, we could but it would cost $700 so needless to say we are not. The $700 is because we are out of state residents until we have been here 1 year it will be free. BUT Iran does have his small game as they were moose hunting (which he wanted to go to learn) he was hunting for Tarmagan (I am sure that my spelling is wrong) is a is absolutely some of the best meat I have ever tasted!!! I am going to take my 22 pistol and go hunting too.....after I tasted that meat I figured I better go help and make our odds better for getting some more meat for winter. I NEVER IN A MILLION, TRILLION YEARS thought I would go hunting....I will never spend the night out there like he did ....I am more of a "day trip" person.....of course I already told Iran I will not touch the bird once it has been shot....too traumatic me.
You never imagining that you would never hunt isn't true. I remember you asking me to take you deer hunting.